So, people that know me fairly well, know I'm a big fan of the site, While surfing the site today I stumped upon THIS. Now, for those that don't read the article, which you should, it basically talks about a guy who found a digital camera in a Cab. This guy find the camera and is determined to find the owners. But the only information he has is from the pictures on the camera. He spends quite a bit of time searching through 350 pictures and 2 videos for any information. He contacts places that the people in the picture have been. He's basically doing detective work. He's doing detective work, not for any personal gain.
Now this is where i start questioning myself... I think I'm a fairly honest person. But I asked myself... would I try to find the owner? I might. Would I try as hard as this person did? I don't know that I would. And that makes me a little ashamed. What does that say about me. Especially with pictures. Pictures are priceless...and if a picture is worth 1000 words, then the pictures on this camera are worth 350,000 words. Last year on a trip to Disneyland my girlfriend almost lost all of her pictures on her camera. She was devastated. So, I know how losing pictures and be a HUGE deal. She got most of them back, and she was SO happy. So, to think that if I was in possession of someones lost pictures and that I might not try my hardest to return them makes me...sad. Does that make me bad person? I've found things before and kept them. I'm not afraid to admit that.
I dunno what to think. I know that reading that article made me feel good and terrible at the same time. On one hand, its great to know that there are people out there that would do this. But at the same time, I dunno if I one of those people... I guess thought I'm not sure what I would do until I'm in that situation. Plus, it sounds kind of fun to play detective like that.
I dunno... just had to get it off my chest.
Now playing: Something Corporate - Cavanaugh Park
via FoxyTunes
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