Wednesday, January 30, 2008

3 Questions.

Ok, so I stole this from Becky's Live Journal. Which I think she stole from some one else, lol.

But anyways.... I want you to ask me 3 questions. ANY questions. (within reason) I will answer them honestly. I'll leave a reply in my comments, so you may have to check back.

So... yeah. Get to it!

Now playing: Paramore - That's What You Get
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Questioning myself.

So, people that know me fairly well, know I'm a big fan of the site, While surfing the site today I stumped upon THIS. Now, for those that don't read the article, which you should, it basically talks about a guy who found a digital camera in a Cab. This guy find the camera and is determined to find the owners. But the only information he has is from the pictures on the camera. He spends quite a bit of time searching through 350 pictures and 2 videos for any information. He contacts places that the people in the picture have been. He's basically doing detective work. He's doing detective work, not for any personal gain.
Now this is where i start questioning myself... I think I'm a fairly honest person. But I asked myself... would I try to find the owner? I might. Would I try as hard as this person did? I don't know that I would. And that makes me a little ashamed. What does that say about me. Especially with pictures. Pictures are priceless...and if a picture is worth 1000 words, then the pictures on this camera are worth 350,000 words. Last year on a trip to Disneyland my girlfriend almost lost all of her pictures on her camera. She was devastated. So, I know how losing pictures and be a HUGE deal. She got most of them back, and she was SO happy. So, to think that if I was in possession of someones lost pictures and that I might not try my hardest to return them makes me...sad. Does that make me bad person? I've found things before and kept them. I'm not afraid to admit that.
I dunno what to think. I know that reading that article made me feel good and terrible at the same time. On one hand, its great to know that there are people out there that would do this. But at the same time, I dunno if I one of those people... I guess thought I'm not sure what I would do until I'm in that situation. Plus, it sounds kind of fun to play detective like that.

I dunno... just had to get it off my chest.

Now playing: Something Corporate - Cavanaugh Park
via FoxyTunes

Sometimes Perfection can be Perfect Hell.

So as most of you know, I just got home from Ontario, Canada. I went up to visit my love. I had a wonderful time. I don't think its possible to have a bad time when you are around the love of your life. I had a great time, doing... not much. Well, it was a lot but if people were to ask me what I did, it would be a short list. I watched movies, went to a Hockey game (can't go to Canada and not see a Hockey game) and well.... thats it.
But, its all I needed. I had a GREAT time and wouldn't have traded it for anything. I was with the love of my life, the love that I live 2,576 miles from (thanks Google maps) I would have been perfectly happy to just sit next to her all day.
I think when you find your true love, and I hope all of you do if you haven't already, you can spend time doing "nothing" together. It's about the small moments, the moments you spend walking around Wal-Mart, going to the movies together, eating dinner together. Its the small things that make life grand. Meeting the love of my life, is a HUGE thing, but I feel like its held together with the smaller moments. Not every moment can be something big, so you have to have a great time doing the small things.
My love has a great family. I'm always nervous about seeing her family and friends. Because these are people that don't need to like me. But the instant I'm around them I feel at home. Still slightly nervous but, thats to be expected. I don't feel like they HAVE to love me for me and my love to be happy together. But with out there blessings, it would be really difficult. I feel like, I've been accepted, loved. Its a great feeling. Its a great feeling to be loved by people that don't have to love you.

So as great as all that is, as my title implies, its not all so great. Perfection can be perfect Hell. So my great time was cut short, a week is not enough time. Forever may not be enough time when your talking about love. I love this girl more than I ever thought possible. Each time I see her I fall more in love. Which in turn makes it harder and harder to leave her. I no longer have anyone to walk around wal-mart with. Nobody to go see kiddie movies with. Its hard. Beyond words hard. I hope none of you have to feel it. If you do, I feel your pain. It pains me, to see things, feel things, smell things, hear things that remind me of her. The pain eases as time goes on, so in a month this blog may be a little less dramatic. But the pain is still there, that sickening feeling in my stomach, that hole in my heart. These day right after leaving her, I have to keep my mind occupied, if not all I have is my thoughts. And all my thoughts are about her. So, why am I writing about nothing but this? Because, getting it off my chest helps too. I feel like I'm a pretty strong guy, I can make it through it.

As much as I hate the pain, you know what? Its COMPLETELY worth it. She is the greatest thing there is. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her, nothing I wouldn't give. There is nothing I would do to change how things have turned out. I don't regret anything.

I love you Becky. You are the love of my life.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Top and Worst list of 2007

I know everyone has read a million and one of the Top lists from 2007. And even the Worst list of 2007. Well read another. I won't have an exact number for my lists but thats what makes it unique. :)

Top 2007.... things.

1. Being with the love of my life. I haven't gotten to be with her as much as I would like but the time we had was great. New Years 07, a trip to Monterey, CA, I visited her in May, She was here for my b-day and Best of all 5 days at the happiest place on earth (Disneyland)

2.Ratatoullie: My official 2007 movie of the year. I know I'm a Pixar fanboy. But I don't know how anyone can see that movie and not be amazed that a story about a rat can have so much heart, and in me at least just a love for the characters. The moment that does it for me and makes me almost teary eyed, is when (possible spoiler) Ego takes his 1st bite of Ratatoullie and it flashes back to him as a young boy and the great feelings that meal gave him. I don't think any movie this year gave me such a strong feeling.

3. Podcasts. This year for me has been the year of the podcasts. The Totally Rad Show, Diggnation, 1up yours and the 1up show. Anyone who hasn't seen these needs to go immediatly and watch them. My 2 faves of the year are Totally Rad Show (TRS) and 1up yours. 1up yours was the biggest surprise to me this year. This is a show that talks about video games in a way that isn't normally done. It talks about games in a serious way, they don't talk about it like its some retarded toy that nobody cares about. They treat the topic the way it deserves, an industry that is bigger than the movie industry.

4.Bioshock: My official 2007 game of the year. Anyone who nows about video games won't be surprised about that considering every other place giving out game of the year gave it to Bioshock. I'm a gamer. and I have NEVER felt about a game the way I feel about this one. This game has a Good/Evil system and I have never played the "evil" way because of the feelings I have for the characters... I just can't bring myself to do it. I have never been in a world that is sooo interesting that I just want to stop doing the missions for a bit and wander around and look at the amazing art design.

5.My G-pa. I know everyone loves there grandpa But, I don't think I have ever met one person so willing to help his family. My G-pa does everything he can for his family. I truly believe that if it wasn't for him my family would fall apart. What we will do with out him? I am honestly scared at what will happen to us. This family leans on him so much. He complains a bit about it, but it never stops him from doing all that he can for us. As long as he is alive, he should always be on my Top lists of the year

6. Well thats all I have for now. If I think of some more I may add some later but this is all I have for now.

Worst 2007... stuff

1.Being so far away from the one I love. I've seen her a lot last year but not nearly enough. Hopefully next year on my Top 2008 it will say Being close to my love.

2.Every PC I have owned. I went through four computers in half a year. 2 of them were totally random and no fault of yours truly. One was a little ghetto but ran for a couple of years and finally crapped out on me. Then there was one that was given to me and was total crap from the beginning. So I am writing to you on a franken-puter. Put together from pieces of 3 of the computers mentioned. So 2008 will be the year of the Mac.

3. Gas Prices. enough said.

4.The whole HD-DVD Blu-Ray DVD battle. I'm a tech junkie and I want to buy one of these.... but I refuse to buy one until the battle is over. The one this making me lean towards Blu-Ray is Pixar. :)

5.Abscess. This year I was plagued with an abscess on my tonsils which in the beginning of the year almost swelled my throat completely shut. It was drained and I was told it would probably be another 5-10 years until i had the chance to get another one. 5months later, guess who got an abscess... ME! That one was cured early with antibiotics. Then they realized I had a permanent infection on my tonsils. So what did they do? Kept pumping me full of antibiotics, because the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Dr said we can't remove your tonsils, your pallet (roof of mouth) could collapse, I have/had a cleft lip and pallet. Luckily and she should be in my top list, my General Dr. had enough common sense to realize that was wrong. So she sent me to Stanford where, long story short they took out my tonsils. :) Thank you Dr. Iwasaki.

Well, I think thats it. Like I said, if I think of more I will post them. If anyone who reads this has any questions, ask away. :)

Edit: I though of another worst.

6. Not being consistant with my blogging. I was very proud of my blog and the readers I had and I kinda let you guys down. I will try to do better this year. If you really want it let me know. Thanks.