Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Complaints: Pimp My Ride

Ok, so most people have seen or at least heard of "Pimp my ride" the craptacular show on MTV.
For those of you who have't seen or heard of it, welcome back to earth, the basic premise is people with crappy cars get the car "pimped" by Xzibit, who I beleive to be a mentally challenged rapper.
So Xzibit (I will now refer to him as X, because I hate typing that stupid random arrangment of letters that is his name) shows up at some randoms persons house. First of all every time he knocks on the door the "winner" opens the door and starts screaming like Bees are attacking them. And for some odd reason, the winner always opens the door, its never like their 85 yr old grandma in a night gown sipping on prune juice. But backing to the screaming idiot.... if they knew what was about to happen to their car the screams might be screams of fear... unless they already are....
So they look at the P.O.S. of a car and make some stupid jokes about what a slob this person is. Which brings me to another thing... they are rewarding people for having a crappy car, which is not a bad thing, until you realize the reason the cars are crap. Because the jackass who owns it doesn't know how to turn and just bounces off of random buildings and people to turn. Or they decided that its ok that their truck has no brakes and just keeps using it even though the truck make a terrible noise that people on Jupiter were crying about and it take a mile and a half to come to a stop. These people should be reported to the police. Oh and hey why fix things, when you can just duct tape everything back in place, oh and that food I ate 19yrs ago, lets leave it in the back seat.
These people are flipping retarded and don't deserve the air they are breathing. Their are people in this word who are WAY more deserving, and you are rewarding these people... no, not people... these baboons with thousands of dollars worth of accessories. I watched an episode, It was a "see how they are doing episode" One dude, who had wrecked his car that got pimped like..3 times I think. Well, while they were pimping his car, they gave him a rental. what did he do? He WRECKED IT! They only have the car for a week. ok, then they give him his "pimped" car back, 30 minutes, 30 effing minutes after he got it back, he WRECKED it! Oh and they laugh "haha you wrecked", X and the "winner" should be shot in the legs, covered in honey and left in the middle of an ant hill.
Oh and the show gets better.... "But Chris what do you mean when you say they got their cars 'Pimped?'" I mean, they add awesome things to your car, like... a new engine? No. THEY ADD FISHBOWLS, 19 TVS, A COFFE MAKER, A SUBWOOFER THAT TAKES UP THE ENTIRE TRUNK AND BACK SEAT. There was a car they put tvs under the car and in the front and back bumpers? WHO the hell is gonna watch those TVs? "Hey mom I'm gonna go outside lay on the driveway and watch my 5in TV, see you later". WHAT? why? Oh and I've always wanted a pot of boiling liquid between me and the passenger seat. BAH.
To cap it off X announces at the end that the "winner" has "officially been pimped" Who decided the act of being pimped was a good thing... "Oh thanks X i've always wanted you to sell my body for sex. I've also always wanted to get crabs and clamidia in the same week" GRRR... This show is so retarded.... it makes.... i ....rohjgoreh...wert.wer.t.wert

Sorry the retardedness made me loose the abililty to type for a moment.
So if you like your stupidness deep fried in a big boiling pot of "shoot me in the head" then watch Pimp my ride at moron o'clock on God Awfulday.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Complaints: Bush H8rs

Ok, so here i am again... late with the blog...

Ok, so latley I have been hearing nonstop about what a terrible president Bush is... I'm not a huge fan of G.W. but, there's a point where its just annoying to hear how much people dislike something. I don't like him, but I don't need to hear how the rest of the world does too every night.
I think its gotten to the point where its cool to hate him. If thats true then its just stupid, hate some one for a reason, make your own descision, and if you decide to hate him, then so be it. People are just taking it to far. Making fun of the president is one thing, its always been done and it always will be done. But if your a comedian and your entire act is, "I hate Bush. Bush is dumb. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights." Well, it gets old REAL quick.
Plus under the circumstances he has a done a fair job. "But Chris he sent us to war, because of lies!" Well, that can be debated for the rest of our lives, but I don't wanna debate that. G.W. does not go out and get all the information himself, he has people who are paid to do this. So if he was lied to and decided to do something based on lies thats not his fault. If I hired some one to find out if cars can run off tapioca pudding and that person comes back and tells me "YES" and I tell you, "Hey, cars can run off tapioca!" and we build a tapioca engine and it turns out it doesn't work (which it totally would) then does that make me a liar? NO, it makes me ill informed. It makes the jerk I hired a liar. "But Chris he should find out that facts for himself" This is a man running an entire country, NOTHING would EVER get done if he went and did all this stuff himself. Then you would be complaining about that.

So, is Bush perfect? No, not in my opinion. Will any president ever be perfect? No, because there will never be a president that can make every person happy. Everyones views and opinions are different one man (or woman) can never make every group of people happy.
So please shut up about him already, you saying hes an idiot is not going to change anything. It just makes me wanna jam a spork in each of my ears. Give it a rest, and then in 2009 you can start complaining about Hillary and how her PMSing is causing the world to collapse (that blog coming 2009)

Until next time, Stay Classy San Diego